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Plan, Navigate, and Share in One App

Use onX Backcountry to find new adventures near you and around the country. Plan your trips in the App, then share your Waypoints, Tracks, and other Markups with your friends.

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onX Backcountry - The Ultimate Backcountry Adventure Maps

See why onX Backcountry is the #1 GPS navigation app for your outdoor pursuits. 

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Like a Guide Along Side

With guidebook-quality trail and ski tour descriptions, elevation profiles, and the ability to easily share information with your friends, identify your next experience.

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Adventure Maps

Whether you’re backcountry skiing, hiking, or backpacking, view public land boundaries, trail data, recreation points, and more. Check the forecast within the App, and drop custom Waypoints at places you want to explore, places you want to share, or just places you never want to forget.

For All Seasons

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The Next Corner

You can’t sit still, and neither can we. We’re busy adding to the App’s 650K+ miles of trails and 1,500+ adventures so you can plan your next activity–whether on dirt or on snow.

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Use Offline Maps

Access saved maps from anywhere and locate yourself in the wild. The GPS in your mobile device works perfectly offline, even when the network is nonexistent.

How To Use onX Backcountry For Hiking

Duration – 7:51

Learn how to use onX Backcountry on your next hiking adventure. This in depth video will showcase how to use every feature of the app to its fullest.