Blue Ribbon Coalition | onX Offroad 

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Download Maps for Offline Use

Download Your Map

Use your phone’s built-in GPS capabilities to access OHV trail maps with or without cell service. Download offline maps that show detailed trail and land info, topography, and your saved custom markups. Continue to add Waypoints and Track trips even when you're off-the-grid.

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Find Open Trails Near You

Wherever you explore, use the App to quickly find open, closed, and Featured trails. Tap the map to access photos, difficulty ratings, details, trail descriptions, and more. 

View Featured Trails

Track Trips

Tap the Tracker to know where you’ve been and how to get back safely. Customize your map by adding Waypoints at campsites, trail obstacles, trailer parking, swimming holes, and more. Tracks and Waypoints can be edited, trimmed, saved, and shared with friends.

Start A Track

3D Maps, Weather, and More

Plan Your Next Trip

Join thousands of off-roaders in planning and discovering 550K+ miles of off-road trails. Keep all of your trails, Tracks, campsites, and markups in one App. No need for an expensive GPS unit, with the onX Offroad app, you have all you need to navigate safely while out on the trail. 

BRC is a national 501c3 non-profit organization that champions responsible recreation and encourages a strong conservation ethic and individual stewardship. We champion responsible use of public lands and waters for the benefit of all recreationists by educating and empowering our members to secure, protect, and expand shared outdoor recreation access and use by working collaboratively with natural resource managers and other recreationists.
